Saturday, December 11, 2010



What is more special and meaningful than giving a part of yourself during Christmas time?
For me it's sharing my God-given talent to the people who are important to me: ART.

I have never taken an art lesson in my life; I was born with this creative gift and I learned how to improve upon it. I don't have an individual style or technique; I never know how I'm going to begin a painting. If it's a portrait, I might begin with the eyes one day, and the next might be the profile. I'm an intuitive artist. I cannot explain how I execute a painting the way an art-educated person can; I just know that if I mix certain colors together, I'd arrive at the particular hue I want.

All right, let me show you the latest paintings I did in TWO DAYS. Call it something of a Divine inspiration or intervention, but I just couldn't stop painting till I finished these three paintings. Sure, I'm running out of time and December 25 is fast approaching...I've got to choose my greeting card artwork and have prints made; then there is the handwritten note for each friend, addressing the envelopes, mailing them, etc. So, without further ado, here are the oil paintings executed on 16x20 boards.